I first to solve this problem iteratively with the help of function Say. While I do use stack to check the consective equal numbers and lower the space complexity.
classSolution: defcountAndSay(self, n: int) -> str: defsay(s): result = '' stack = [] for i in s: if stack == []: stack.append(i) else: if i != stack[-1]: num = len(stack) result = result + str(num) + stack.pop() stack = [] stack.append(i) else: stack.append(i) result = result + str(len(stack)) + stack[0] return result defhelper(n): t = 1 while t <= n: if t == 1: output = '1' t = t + 1 else: output = say(output) t = t + 1 return output return helper(n)
Function Say take a string s as input and return a say output, which is also a string. While in function helper, we take the output of n-1 as input to n, and do it iteratively. The total time complexity is O(n×length(s)).
Solution 2
We can use recursion to solve this problem. Base condition:
classSolution: defcountAndSay(self, n: int) -> str: defsay(s): result = '' stack = [] for i in s: if stack == []: stack.append(i) else: if i != stack[-1]: num = len(stack) result = result + str(num) + stack.pop() stack = [] stack.append(i) else: stack.append(i) result = result + str(len(stack)) + stack[0] return result defhelper(n): if n == 1: return'1' else: return say(helper(n-1))
return helper(n)
Both solutions have quick running time and small memory usage. Runtime: 32 ms, faster than 74.21% of Python3 online submissions for Count and Say. Memory Usage: 12.8 MB, less than 100.00% of Python3 online submissions for Count and Say.